LGBT San Francisco Events - Butch/Stud Group at Pacific Center, Berkeley

Butch/Stud Group at Pacific Center, Berkeley

Tuesday, June 10, 2025

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST

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Event Description

The Butch-Stud group is a multi-cultural and inter-generational peer led bi-weekly drop-in group for butches, studs, aggressives, bois, etc. It is intended as a space to support the identities of queer, masculine females who are gender non-conforming, and who are identified and centered in their female bodies. Through the exploration of issues and topicsspecific to butches, studs, aggressives, bois, dominants etc., our goal is to assist each other in the development of self-acceptance and a positive self-concept as gender non-conforming females, affirmation of our female bodies, strategies for dealing with discrimination, maintenance of our mental and physical health, empowering ourselves in the world, and liberation from limiting or destructive stereotypes about masculine females that we may have learned, or that have been imposed upon us because of our gender non-conforming presentation and identities.

Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month @ The Pacific Center in Berkeley from 7pm - 9pm.

The Pacific Center

2712 Telegraph Ave. Berkeley CA
(corner of Telegraph and Derby)