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he first of several Silver Beetles engagements at this city-centre venue owned by Allan Williams. When they weren’t otherwise engaged thegroup played here on Mondays, when the club’s resident Royal Caribbean Steel Band had their night off.
Note: a full listing of the Beatles’ performances at this venue cannot be compiled since they were neither noted nor advertised at the time. They probably numbered around 12.
In 1957 Williams leased a former watch-repair shop at 21 Slater Street, Liverpool, which he converted into a coffee bar. He named the venue the Jacaranda, afteran exotic species of ornamental flowering tree, jacaranda mimosifolia. The Jac (as it became known) opened in September 1958. The Beatles were frequent customers, with John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe attending Liverpool Art College nearby, and Paul McCartney at Liverpool Institute adjacent to the college. Asking for the chance to play the club, Williams instead put them to work redecorating, with Lennon and Sutcliffe painting a mural for the Ladies room. Finally, the Beatles began playing at the Jac on occasion.Between May and August 1960, Williams secured a number of bookings for the group at other places.