How is a good scientific article written? - How is a good scientific article written?

How is a good scientific article written?

Friday, May 28, 2021

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Students, graduate students, scientists and university professors need to write about the results of their work in the form of scientific publications. Articles are written in a strictly regulated form, maintaining a certain style and must contain scientific novelty.


Why write a scientific article?
Writing technique
Structure and content of a scientific article
Using a scientific style
Scientific article quality
Where to publish
Interesting topics
Why do you need a scientific article
The main purpose of the article publication is to highlight the results of the author's research. According to the published materials, one can trace the development of the scientist's activity. In addition, they are necessary for the defense of master's or doctoral dissertations. These are the reasons why a scientific article is needed.

Why should a student write a scientific article?

For most students, writing articles is more of a necessity. Many universities require publications in scientific journals for admission to the defense of a master's thesis . On the other hand, the university administration is interested in students' scientific publications to increase the university's ranking.

It makes sense for a student with a passion for science to write scientific articles in order to have a better chance of entering graduate school. The fact of the publication speaks of the seriousness of his intentions and desire to further engage in scientific activities. A student can expect an increased scholarship, take part in a scientific competition, or apply for a grant.

Why should a graduate student write scientific articles?

Postgraduate students and applicants for a scientific degree must write the required number of articles on the topic of their research (2-3, depending on the scientific direction). This is a prerequisite for admission to defend a dissertation. Articles should be written because they are an indicator of the scientific activity of a graduate student and applicant.

Separately, we will highlight the reasons why a graduate student should engage in scientific activities, the result of which are scientific articles:

basis for writing a future dissertation;
compliance with the requirements for the number of published scientific articles in journals approved by the higher academy ;
the publication activity of a researcher affects the level of salary;
acquaintance with other scientists, which will help at the final stage of writing a dissertation, when reviewers are needed for scientific articles.
Methodology for writing a scientific article

Before writing a scientific article for publication, it is important to understand what types of them exist:

Theoretical - based on theoretical calculations and calculations of certain patterns. As a rule, they are accompanied by calculations confirming their reliability.
Practical (empirical) - the material presented is supported by a performed experiment or experience. Survey data and statistical parameters can also be presented.
Survey - contain an analysis of the achievements related to a particular issue, carried out and received recently.
So, the technology of writing a scientific article includes the following steps:

Formulating a goal is where the work should start. The author sets a task for himself, solves it, and then, based on the results, draws a conclusion about what has been achieved.
After that, you can draw up a plan and stick to it when conducting research and forming the text. It must be remembered that in the beginning there must be a goal setting. And at the end, a conclusion on the results of achieving the goal.
It is imperative to rely on the research that has already been carried out in this area and check that personal data does not duplicate someone else's information.
The results of individual developments must have novelty and value.
If you do not fully understand how exactly the technology of writing a scientific article works, you can apply for and they will explain everything to you in detail.

Structure of a scientific article

Research methods
Scientific style rules when writing an article

The main distinguishing feature of the scientific style of presentation is the presence of special terms in research texts. Close interaction of scientists from different countries has introduced international terms into the scientific literature: marketing, IT-technologies, trend, reference and others.

The style of research work is also characterized by abstract vocabulary, words that are not associated with a specific object: phenomenon, matter, genius, substance.

The vocabulary of research work is a homogeneous and closed system, there are few synonyms in it. The volume of work grows due to the repetition of the same words and phrases. Colloquial vocabulary in the texts of scientific works is excluded. The author uses words that give an assessment, but this is done from the standpoint of rationality: to better convey the concept to the reader.

The researcher's texts are distinguished by the consistency and interconnectedness of thoughts. Introductory words help in this: summing up, therefore, at that time, firstly, secondly, etc. However, one should not get carried away with introductory phrases, the texts are difficult to read, the logical grain is lost.

Scientific speech is provided with a variety of tools for presenting materials that the scientist has selected. These are complex and complex sentences, participial and adverbial constructions. With these tools, it is possible to write sentences rich in information.

In the articles of scientists, information is presented from an objective point of view, therefore, the first-person narration is excluded. Used impersonal or personal generalized structure: presumably, pay attention, it is believed, etc.

Another feature of the scientific presentation of information is the presence of graphical information in the texts: diagrams, figures, diagrams and tables. Graphic content clearly illustrates what is written. Understanding the rules for writing a scientific article is very important, and if you feel that you have not fully mastered them, then ask the professionals to help you with this

What determines the quality of a scientific article?

To correctly write articles for publications, you must strictly adhere to the structure:

The title is original, concise and semantic.
Abstract - 150-250 words - includes a summary of the research.
Introduction - contains general information on the topic under consideration.
Basic text is a structured presentation of the material.
Conclusion - contains a conclusion - must be consistent with the goal.
References, arranged according to the rules and in alphabetical order. It should be remembered that references to used literature should be placed in the right places in the text in square brackets in accordance with the number in the list of references.